What is C#?
C#(CSharp) was started to be developed by Andreas Heljsberg et al in 2000 and it is a programming language that was released as C# 1.0 in 2002. C# has continued to be developed with the support of Windows since its release. 5.0 has been updated in the 10 years after its initial release and is considered middle class. C# has received full marks from software developers, especially for its compatibility with modern systems. Just as a higher version of the C language is C++, ((C++)++) ie C# (inspired by the symbol (#) that resembles a combination of 4 + signs) is also a higher version of C++. C# is an object-oriented programming language developed for the .NET platform.
- Web form applications (Asp.NET)
- Mobile apps
- Web services applications
- Console apps
- DLL Dev
- Game development
- Custom Components
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