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Best Operating System for rapberry Pi4

 As you can see from the title of our topic, we will make the best operating system recommendation for raspberry pi 4. The first thing you need to decide is what will you use the raspberry pi 4 for. My intended use is a 24-hour remote computer with low power consumption. Controlling this computer remotely with TeamViewer and downloading files from the internet when necessary. This means that we will need a desktop interface. 

Now let's get to the main point, an operating system should be such that my device will not get tired while working and will be fluent, and at the same time, it will be able to run applications easily. We chose ubuntu at first with the question of whether they meet these requirements.

The results from our trial with Ubuntu 20.10 failed as you can see in the picture. Because at first TeamViewer is not supported and then ram consumption is quite high. It strains the device a little while running in the operating system.

The server version of Ubuntu also causes a ram consumption of 200 Mb and then when you install the desktop interface, the result is approximately the same.

Now that we are approaching the end of our article, I introduce you to the best operating system for Raspberry Pi 4. Of course Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Rasbian).

(ram consumption in raspberry 1 gb version)

Let's come to Ram Consumption 350 - 400 Mb and also has a desktop interface. Since the ram consumption is low, it remains ram for other applications. I can guarantee that it works very fast and does not tire the device at all. Supports Teamviewer for remote desktop. It will also work with the Chromium browser. The only downside is that it has a little difficulty with youtube videos.

Note: for raspberry pi 4 4gb version, many operating systems such as Ubuntu 20.10, Ubuntu MATE have been tried.

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