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most used linux commands

If you are a linux user, you will always have to work with commands, even if you have an advanced linux distribution. Every linux user may have to open the terminal screen and write a command and we will make a list of the general commands you will use in linux;

Terminal commands : 
clearClear the terminal screen
historyDisplay recently used commands.
!Repeat a recently used command.
manDisplay the manual for a terminal program
whatisDisplay a brief description of a terminal program.
aliasCreate a shortcut to a command or, when combined with the cd command, directory
exitclose the terminal

File Management : 
cdChange directory.
pwdDisplay current directory.
lsDisplay a list of files in the current directory.
cpMakes a copy of a file.
mvMove a file
rmRemove a file or set of files.
statDisplay when a file was last accessed, modified, or changed.
rmdirDelete file or files.
mkdirCreate a directory.
renameChange the name of a file
findSearch a specific directory
locateSearch for files or directories.
grepSearch a specific file
mountAttach a separate filesystem
unmountDetach a separate filesystem from your system
catDisplay the contents of a text file.
chmodModify the read, write, and execute permissions file.
chownChange the user or group that owns a file.

User commands : 
suSwitch user. (Root or Admin)
whoamiDisplays the current user name.
idDisplay current user and group.
passwdCreate or update a user's password.

SA System Administrotor : 
unameDisplays core system information such as kernel version, hardware, and operating system.
sudoAdministrator priveleges
aptPrograms for installing software and updates.
jobsDisplay the status of all current jobs.
bgSend a job to the background.
fgSend a job to the foreground.
killEnd a process according to its process ID
killallEnd all processes whose names match your query.
psDisplay a list of running processes.
topDisplays a list of running processes, sorted by how much CPU each uses.
uptimeDisplays time since last boot.
freeDisplays how much RAM is used and free on your system.
whereisFinds the executable file for a program.
dfDisplays how much disk space is used and free on your system.

Network commands : 
ipDisplays you IP address, network interfaces, bandwidth usage, and more.
pingSend or receive data from another computer on a network.
digLook up a domain's DNS address
wgetDownload a file.

Miscellaneous commands : 
EchoDisplay a line of text.
factorDisplays possible factors of a decimal number.
lookLook up a word in the dictionary.
exprSolve math equations.

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